Year 1 – 6

We thank you for your interest in our school and invite you to come in and experience for yourself the wonderful learning opportunities at Loxton Lutheran School.

As the LLS spirit and Christian ethos shines through, you will gain an insight into why Loxton Lutheran School is the Riverland’s school of choice for learning, from the ELC and extending through to the end of primary school. We look forward to showing you though our wonderful school, allowing you to meet our welcoming community.

Learning & Teaching

Guided by the Australian Curriculum, Loxton Lutheran School’s approach to delivering an extensive and detailed curriculum entails evidence-based research strategies involving brain theories and the forming of a schema. Explicit instruction underpins everything we teach, building up a rich knowledge base for every student to learn and develop at their optimum potential. This involves front-loading children with explicit information and continually building on this knowledge base each and every day

Our Literacy approach requires a well-planned sequence of lessons to be carried out in order to build up a foundation of skills and abilities that can be used throughout their schooling years. The day starts off with a Morning Routine where various scientific, mathematical, grammatical and oral language skills are taught. Synthetic Phonics is an approach used to teach children the basic skills in reading and writing. Reading lessons cover 10 comprehension keys allowing students to use these and apply them to any texts read. Writing lessons explain the style of writing and the structure that is involved in forming quality texts.

All other curriculum areas, including Mathematics, use a hands-on approach and are based around inquiry into our world.

Christian Studies lessons are taught each week, whilst daily Devotions are an important part of our day, allowing students to connect and reflect with our Creator. Specialist subjects are provided in the areas of Physical Education, LOTE, and the Arts.

Extra-curricular activities are provided in many areas including:
• Music
• Choir
• School Sport SA events
• Leadership excursions
• Camps
• Rest home visits
• A yearly concert

Participation in community events, such as:
• Community Carols by Candlelight
• Loxton Mardi Gras
• Grape Stomp
• Loxon Show Art Display